From small private planes to commercial jets, helicopters, and military aircraft, aviation hangars protect all kinds of aircraft from the elements. Whether they’re commercial pilots or private plane enthusiasts, all aviators should be aware of the different types of aviation hangars in order to make informed decisions when constructing new hangars. Here are four different types of aviation hangars to know:


T-hangars are one of the most common types of hangars used for general aviation purposes. They are named for their distinctive “T” shape when viewed from above, with rows of hangar bays connected to a central corridor. T-hangars are typically designed for single-engine or small aircraft and offer efficient use of space while providing individual storage for each aircraft.

Box Hangars

Box hangars are large, rectangular-shaped hangars that offer more space and flexibility compared to T-hangars. They can accommodate multiple aircraft at once and are often used for storing mid-sized to large aircraft, corporate jets, and helicopters. Their large size also allows them to include storage space for repair equipment and tools or amenities like office spaces.

Maintenance Hangars

Maintenance is an important part of owning any aircraft. Maintenance hangars are specialized facilities for maintaining, repairing, and inspecting different aircraft types. These hangars have features like hangar doors suitable for aircraft entry and exit and temperature and humidity controls to facilitate aircraft maintenance and repair. They often also have workshops and other infrastructure in place to support these tasks.

Temporary Hangars

Temporary hangars are lightweight, portable hangars often used for events, airshows, aircraft maintenance projects, or temporary deployments. These fabric aviation hangars are durable but easy to assemble, transport, and dismantle, making them perfect for situations needing short-term airplane storage.

It’s important for aviation enthusiasts to know these four different types of aviation hangars, as it will allow them to make informed decisions throughout the hangar purchasing and construction process. Each hangar has its own unique benefits and features, making hangar research a critical step in aircraft care.

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