Fabric Structures for Mineral Processing

The high demand of the mining industry has resulted in a spike in all aspects of production and exploration, including mineral processing. But with that high demand comes the need for structures that can stand up to the harsh weather conditions that can impede the mineral processing operation.

Our fabric structures have been tested and can be engineered to withstand even the harshest weather conditions. Wind gusts exceeding 100 miles per hour, heavy rains, as well as dense snow collecting on the roof can be problems for some fabric structures. Our propriety design and high quality frame construction, however, mean that your fabric building can withstand these and other weather challenges.

Big Top offers a wide range of custom heating, cooling and ventilation systems to keep the interior of our fabric shelters optimally controlled. We also use durable yet breathable PVC fabric that is translucent enough to allow light flow to enter the fabric structure, eliminating the need for additional light during daytime hours for most applications. Along with our advanced solar panel packages, we’re able to offer you significant opportunities to reduce energy use and save money.

So whether your needs include protecting surge piles, bulk storage, sorting operations or transfer centers, Big Top fabric structures offer you the most durable, reliable and cost-efficient solution for your mining industry needs.

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